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The Invisible Scars: Why Emotional Abuse Can Leave You Reeling

  Being on the receiving end of emotional abuse is like living in a constant state of emotional whiplash. It's a slow, insidious erosion of your self-worth, leaving you feeling confused, isolated, and utterly depleted. Unlike physical abuse, there are often no visible marks, just a deep, gnawing pain that festers beneath the surface. What is Emotional Abuse? Emotional abuse is a form of mistreatment that attacks your emotional well-being. It can involve a variety of tactics, including: Insults and Put-Downs: This might involve constant criticism, name-calling, or belittling your accomplishments. Humiliation and Shaming: The abuser may use public humiliation or make you feel ashamed of your thoughts, feelings, or actions. Isolation and Control: They might try to cut you off from friends and family, or control your finances and activities. Threats and Intimidation: This could involve verbal threats, emotional manipulation, or even threats of violence. Gaslighting: The abuse